Westmalle Dubbel 330ml
Westmalle Dubbel 330ml
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Westmalle Dubbel is a classic Belgian Trappist ale, brewed with centuries of monastic tradition. This deep, ruby-brown beer boasts an ABV of 7%, delivering a rich and complex flavor profile. Expect notes of dark fruit, caramel, and toasted malt, with subtle hints of spice and a smooth, slightly bitter finish. The traditional Belgian yeast adds a layer of depth, enhancing its rich aroma and full-bodied character.
Perfect for sipping slowly and savoring, Westmalle Dubbel pairs wonderfully with roasted meats, cheeses, or as a standalone indulgence. This iconic Trappist ale reflects the craftsmanship and heritage of the monks at Westmalle Abbey, making it a must-try for fans of Belgian beer.