Kwak 330ml
Kwak 330ml
Polite notice: Vintages and aesthetic properties of products may vary from time to time. For specifics please contact us.
Kwak is a renowned Belgian amber ale known for its deep, malty flavour and distinctive serving style. With an ABV of 8.4%, this rich beer offers a complex profile of caramel, toffee, and hints of fruit, balanced by a subtle bitterness. Brewed with a blend of specialty malts and traditional Belgian yeast, Kwak delivers a smooth, warming finish that has made it a favourite among beer enthusiasts.
Enjoyed from its iconic hourglass-shaped glass or straight from the bottle, Kwak is perfect for sipping slowly and savouring its unique flavour. Ideal for pairing with hearty dishes or as a standalone treat, Kwak brings a true taste of Belgian brewing heritage in every 330ml bottle.